C-me - Contact me via QR code

by Wireless Cloud s.r.l.



What is the C-me App for?- To be contacted, if necessary, even by people who do not have your telephone number or email address- To inform others through the dynamic publication of a notice- To make contacts and emergency data useful in first aid available- To better manage the delivery phases of a parcelThrough a generic QR Code reader, anyone can contact you in a simple and immediate way (Email, SMS, Push notification) to send you useful information (e.g. please move your car) or read your notice (e.g. 15 minute delay, Ill be right back, for info contact me on 333-1234567, etc.). Anyone who finds an object that you have lost (e.g. keys, wallet, dog, bag, etc.) can contact you according to the information you will have published in the alerts section.